Bead Wire Cuff

CountryBeads 2015 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Create a unique beaded cuff using wire and glass beads. This technique allows you to play with shape and colours to create a one-of-a-kind cuff design.


Stone Wrapping

CountryBeads 2015 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This class is focused on creating a decorative pendant using wire. This is a very useful technique, as it can be adapted to a centerpiece that has no hole. Bring in your own piece to wrap, or use one of ours, and leave the class with a necklace of your own design. The skills shown in […]



CountryBeads 2015 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sorry! We'll be closed Canada Day.

KITS DAY (No Class)

CountryBeads 2015 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sorry! No Class today.